New Day Community Church

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Travel & Missions

As a boy I dreamed of traveling the world. I loved geography and social studies, as we studied how people around the world lived. I devoured every issue of National Geographic magazine I could get my hands on. I was 40 when I finally was able to travel to another country (not counting Toronto). My first trip was to Japan for the dedication of the new building for our sister church Every Nation Izu. It was an amazing trip and it opened my eyes to the world.

Another trip that fundamentally changed how I saw the world was to Morocco, a Muslim nation in northern Africa. We stayed with an indiginous Berber family in the High Atlas mountains. It's difficult to describe how simply these people lived. Their houses were constructed of layers of mud and straw. But they were not mud huts. They were nice homes, large with many rooms and incredibly clean. They had absolutely no furniture, and would cook on a fire built on the floor. Once cooking was done, the fire was removed and the area cleaned up as though it had never happened. The food was amazing. There were raised platforms with mats used for beds, and we sat on mats for meals. On the way home I purchased the National Geographic magazine for that month. The cover story was about the Berber tribes in the High Atlas mountains. I was actually there, in the very region the current issue of National Geographic magazine was featuring—a childhood dream fulfilled.

Jesus said, in Mark 16:15, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” When Jesus said this to his disciples on the mountain, it was beyond the capabilities of his listeners. Jesus’ command was not just to the 11, but to all his followers, including you and me. They did manage to travel great distances. Peter made it to Rome, where he was martyred. Paul is believed to have gone as far as Spain. Others traveled throughout northern Africa. Thomas traveled the farthest, reaching India. To this day, the church in India recognizes the Apostle Thomas as its founder, and I have met a man who is an ordained pastor from that denomination.

I am fortunate to go to the nations for short-term missions. Others devote their lives long-term to missions. But all of us can help fulfill the call by supporting financially. Before every missions trip I’ve taken, I did not have the finances when I made the decision. I decided it was right, and then believed God for the provision for the vision. In March, I need to travel to a region where the church is currently under oppression. I will share about this on Sunday 2/27. In addition to providing for my travel, I feel called to bring a generous gift to both the new pastors of the church, and a gift to the church. This church is incredibly effective at ministering to those who have never heard the gospel before, even though the church has suffered greatly. Please prayerfully consider financially supporting this endeavor as we work together to fulfill the Great Commission by indicating an amount to “March Mission” on your offering.