New Day Community Church

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Under the Shadow of Your Wings

I have been meditating on the phrase “in the shelter of your wings,” or “under the shadow of your wing,” a lot lately. David used it routinely in his Psalms. The ark of the covenant had two cherubim facing each other with wings outstretched toward one another, and scripture says that is where the Lord dwelled. It makes sense that David used that imagery to evoke a feeling of safety, since under the wings is where you find God himself. 

I like the imagery for that reason, but also for the fact that when I imagine myself under God’s wing, I know I’m covered, shielded, and protected. An enemy can’t see me if I’m under there. A storm can’t drench me if I’m under there. I imagine the warmth and the safety. It’s a good place to be!

I read this scripture during worship in our church service on Mother’s Day: “I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. For you, God, have heard my vows; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name” (Psalm 61:4-5). I became overcome with emotion when I read the words “you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.” I felt such strong gratitude for the profound gift my church community is. I have greatly benefited from the heavenly heritage of parents and leaders who fear the Lord. This family has been a shelter and a safe haven for me! They have taught me so much!

Psalm 61 concludes: “Then I will ever sing in praise of your name and fulfill my vows day after day.” I believe it is only possible to fulfill our vows to the Lord day after day if we continue to seek refuge in him, and to do so side-by-side with our fellow servants of Jesus. We find comfort in the Lord, and we have the support, encouragement, and fellowship from our fellow saints along the way. We’re all nestled in, together, under the shelter of his wings. This is such good news for us!