New Day Community Church

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Sustaining Revival

Revival Weekend was incredible! Our guests from Kaleo International brought a good word and powerful times of ministry. It truly was a revival. Our souls were revived, refreshed, and renewed in the presence of God. And if we go back further, I would say that New Day has been experiencing an increasing revival for many months. We are seeing God move and momentum is growing.

This week I want to write to you about sustaining revival. Revival is triggered when we see our need for God. We sense a distance between ourselves and him. We sense a lack of the full life he promised. We struggle to hear his voice clearly. In that place, hunger stirs in our hearts. We see our need for him, and we want more of him.

This hunger drives us to the altar. We reach out with desperation to take hold of him. And we surrender—repenting for the ways we have lived contrary to him. Then he pours out his Spirit. In a moment, the distance we sensed disappears. We catch a glimpse of the full life. We hear his words of truth. That happened for many of us during Revival Weekend. We experienced revival. But now what?

It is my responsibility to live out the change he started in me. It is your responsibility to live out the change he started in you. Revival continues when we properly manage the gifts he gives us.

Charles Finney, a key figure in the Second Great Awakening in the 1800s, said this:

“Revival is a renewed conviction of sin and repentance, followed by an intense desire to live in obedience to God. It is giving up one’s will to God in deep humility.”

Did you catch that? There is a turning point that happens for revival to continue in your life. It is the point where the rush and excitement of an encounter with God shifts into daily obedience and humility. The turning point happens when you surrender not just a moment of your life, but when you surrender each day. Revival is sustained by getting up every day and reading Scripture, by staying faithful in prayer, by meditating on the goodness of God, by living a transformed life, and by doing your part to share the good news and spread the kingdom of God.

Let’s stay hungry for more revival! And let’s live humble and obedient lives of surrender to Jesus!