New Day Community Church

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Sanctity of Human Life

The intention of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is to remember that all life is valuable to God. From the unborn to the aging as well as those with special needs. 

As Christians, we need to reflect God’s love for those He holds dear. That includes the unborn and the men and women who created them. So often, well-meaning people say things to protect the unborn without care for the women who many times feel they had no choice. 

When I was 15, I found myself pregnant and felt that I had no choices. The most important people in my life and even my own doctor, encouraged me to get an abortion. I did. I lived with guilt because I knew that I had ended my baby’s life. Anytime the topic came up, people would say the most disparaging things about those who had an abortion and my shame multiplied. For years I would pray and ask God to forgive me, but I could never forgive myself. As I got older and met people who longed for a baby, the guilt grew worse. I would share with my closest friends that I had had an abortion; however, I was very fearful that people would find out. 

One Saturday, I attended a Healing and Restoration seminar at church. At one point, the speaker shared about forgiveness and forgiving yourself. I asked God to forgive me and He responded, “I already have; now you need to forgive yourself.” I was stunned when I realized that all the years I held onto the guilt and shame, God had already forgiven me. I prayed and released it all. 

That gave me the courage to share my testimony publicly when I preached on forgiveness. When I was finished, several women came up to share their stories of how they had also carried hidden guilt and shame from their abortions. What came as the biggest surprise was the men who despaired that they had no choice in the decision to terminate their babies’ lives. 

Proverbs 24:11 says to “rescue those being led away to death.” We need to speak up for the unborn but we also need to reach out and show compassion to those who are agonizing over what they have done. 

God sent His son to die for everyone and to set people free from ALL of their shame.