New Day Community Church

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Remember God’s Works & Wonders

Psalms 77:11-12 – “I will remember the works of the LORD; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, And talk of Your deeds.”

Over the weekend we had a family reunion. The last time we all saw each other together was over ten years ago. We love one another and get along. It is just very difficult to arrange reunions. Family gatherings, especially my father’s side, are always interesting. Let’s just say we’ve had our share of characters.

Although my siblings and I grew up attending a Lutheran school and church, our faith was not very substantial. When I was powerfully transformed by Jesus as a college student, it was something my family had never experienced. Initially I preached to all my relatives. I soon discovered that preaching to family has limited, if not contrary, results. My oldest brother threw me out of his house! My zeal lacked wisdom.

As a young Christ-follower, I attended a Revival Church in Detroit. Brother Shock, an elderly revivalist, was a leader in the Latter Rain Revival in the 1940’s and 1950’s. He explained that witnessing to family is different than to others. He said, “Always spend more time talking to God on behalf of your family than talking to your family on behalf of God!” In other words, use your words to pray, not preach. Let God do His work in His time.

After I stopped preaching and spent more time praying, listening, and simply living a life following Christ, I’ve seen my entire family transformed. All of my siblings are confessing Christians. They are open about their faith in Jesus and one brother became a pastor. The brother that kicked me out has spent many years as an elder in his church. My aunt from California attends the church featured in the recent movie Jesus Revolution and personally knows Chuck Smith and Greg Laurie.

Remembering the works and wonders of the Lord means more than things I’ve read in the Bible or other books. The changed lives I’ve seen gives me confidence that my faith in Christ has not been in vain. Worrying is meditating on problems, fears, and issues that cause anxiety. Pondering the works and wonders of the Lord and recalling the changed lives I’ve seen replaces anxiety with anticipation and joy. We overlook the wonders of God because they may not be grandiose. The constant faithful presence and pressure of the Holy Spirit works wonders in our hearts and lives as well as in those we love. Celebrate all His works and wonders, and tell others of the faithfulness you have seen!