New Day Community Church

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 2023 is here! 2022 was a year of transition at New Day. Marilee and I took on the Lead Pastoring role and we all adjusted to a new day at New Day. Even in the midst of transition, the Lord worked powerfully in leading us forward. From the very start, we felt like we’d been shot out of a cannon or like we’d jumped on a treadmill that was already moving at top speed! God has been busy building his kingdom here at New Day and in our community! One great example is our New Day Nature Trails restoration project and the associated community outreach. The Lord inspired this project, and he continues to use it to reach our community with his Good News!

So what about 2023?! We will kick off the year with a focus on God’s Word, prayer, and fasting. You will continue to have the option of reading the Bible together as a family of believers. Check out the details here: You can read the Classic, Express, or Youth versions of this reading plan and be synchronized with other New Dayers. Or feel free to read a different plan—that’s okay too. The goal is to be a people of the Word. Always in the Word. Always letting biblical truth set the tone in all areas of our lives. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalms 119:105).

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting returns this year! Join us in praying and fasting to start the year seeking the Lord with all your heart. The guide for this event can be found here: Our prayer and fasting guide is synchronized with the reading plan this year. Your times of reading and prayer can be connected to each other and connected to your New Day family. So cool! You are also invited to join us for times of corporate prayer each of the first three Tuesdays of January (the 3rd, 10th, and 17th at 6:30 PM) hosted by Pastor Cameron.The LORD is near to all who call on him” (Psalm 145:18).

The beginning of 2023 is a time for planting and watering. I can’t wait to see what will grow over the course of the year (and for years to come)! I am so excited to read, pray, plant, water, and seek the Lord wholeheartedly together. Let’s rock 2023 together for His glory!