Sundays at 10 AM

Sundays at 10 AM ◍

A church community in Kalamazoo, Michigan

childcare provided: 6 months thru 5th grade
Ministering God’s love & teaching his truth

more information —->

Why does New Day exist? Our purpose is to help you become a disciple of Christ and experience the life-changing results that come from a genuine relationship with Him. Our vision is to be a community of disciples that are extending Christ’s Kingdom, raising up leaders, and planting churches. We do this by being a community that is Loving, Learning & Leading together: Loving God and others, learning all Jesus taught, and leading others to Christ. 


sermon series may

Your heart matters! The Bible says that everything you do flows from your heart (Prov. 4:23). It’s the emotional root system of a human. A tree with good roots produces good fruit; a tree with bad roots produces bad fruit. And the mouth speaks what the heart is full of (Matt. 12:33-34). In this series, we will investigate issues of the heart, explore how God can heal us at the deepest level, and experience greater freedom in Jesus!