New Day Community Church

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Walk the Tree

The Mensers like to camp. And when we camp, we like to have adventures in creation’s playground. A favorite game is called “tight-log walking”. It’s like the circus tightrope but using a fallen tree—ideally across a creek to raise the stakes a bit.

The key to a successful tight-log walk is to keep to the middle of the tree. Stay the course—right down the center—without leaning too far to the left or to the right.

Jesus talks about tight-log walking in Mark, chapter 8. Okay—you got me. He doesn’t even mention tight-log walking, although I’m sure he was thinking of it...

[Mark 8:15 ESV] And he cautioned them, saying, "Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod."

Leaven was a rich word picture in the time of Jesus. There are two common leaven themes to be aware of here:

  1. Leaven often symbolizes sinfulness [1 Cor. 5:6-8]

  2. A little bit goes a LONG way [Matt. 13:33, Gal. 5:9]

So Jesus is saying, “Watch out! A little bit of the sinful way of the Pharisees can ruin your whole life. A little bit of the sinful way of Herod can ruin your whole life.”

Jesus warns his disciples about two ways to lean and fall off the tree! 

The way of the Pharisees was legalism. They loved following the religious rules. But they totally lost contact with the Rule Maker. The Pharisees would argue about the rules and regulations—they would accuse. And they would totally fall off the tree into the creek!

The way of Herod was immoral. He did what he wanted and found ways to justify his sin. He took his brother’s wife—and imprisoned John the Baptist for calling him out on it. Later he had John beheaded. Herod would totally fall off the tree into the creek!

Jesus highlights two ways to fall off the tree—one to the left and one to the right. Either way you turn, you end up wet!

My encouragement to you today is this: 

Walk the tree. And if you find you’ve fallen off, get back on and try again. Repeat for a lifetime, with the help of the voice of the Holy Spirit to guide you...

[Isa 30:21 NIV] Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."