New Day Community Church

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Press On!

We pull into the sprawling parking lot and our eyes are drawn to the crowds playing by the lake. What a nice spot to play on the beach. We will do that later, but there is something else on our mind as we get out of the car. Which way to the trail head? We check our map and follow people with water bottles and that look on their face like they are going somewhere. 

The trail is only a trail for a short distance: then it becomes a rocky staircase. The four Mensers are on our way to a couple amazing rock formations at Devil’s Lake State Park. Up we go. Climbing, climbing, climbing. It does not take long to grow weary. Is it worth the climb? Maybe we should turn around? No. We’ve come too far and we want to see the beauty at the top.

Partway up, we come to Balanced Rock. The rock formation and view are amazing. At this stop we realize how far we have already come. We are high above the lake below. Can we even see where we started from? This is awesome!

But there is a higher goal: The Devil’s Doorway. So after some pictures and a quick drink, we climb again. Is it worth the climb? Maybe we should turn around? Balanced Rock is really cool. Is this good enough? No! We’ve come too far and we want to see the beauty at the top. We are all in. We keep going. And we are rewarded for our climbing! The view from the top is spectacular!

Last week, Pastor Cameron taught from the third chapter of Philippians, where Paul writes:

“Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way” [Phil 4:13-15].

This week, stop and think—just like we stopped at Balanced Rock. When you look back over your life as a Christian, how far have you already come? Enjoy the reward of great progress. It has not been easy. But the view is pretty spectacular. Stay there long enough to see God’s hand at work in your story. Celebrate His goodness in your life.

Once your heart is full of thankfulness for what He has done, turn around and look up. There are more of those same steps ahead of you. Set your will to the task. Forget what lies behind. Press on! You’re all in! The reward at the top is Christ Jesus himself. You’re on your way to see Him! Let those of us who are mature think this way. See you on the trail!