New Day Community Church

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What is Seen is Temporary

Have you noticed that there is something in the human spirit that craves the supernatural? Whether or not a person is a Christian or believes in the realm of the supernatural, isn’t the human race always chasing what can’t be seen? Whether it’s in the realm of fantasy for the purpose of escape, or analyzing concrete explanations by way of science, isn’t the pursuit of the unknown and chasing the impossible built into our DNA?

As Christians, we subscribe to the belief that the kingdom of heaven is the stronger reality between heaven and earth. This earth is temporary, but the kingdom of heaven is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 says, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” We chase God, knowing his kingdom is real, but all the while engaging our faith so that it grows more and more sure of his enduring reality.

That is why I’m so excited to be reading God’s Word together this year. To pursue the eternal Word, and to dig into the most absolute reality, is going to be so good for our spirits. It will fill us with even more wonder and craving for the supernatural things of God. Now more than ever, it is vital to be rooted and grounded in the truth. There is so much in this world that competes for our attention. There is so much influence out there attempting to water down or call into question the validity of God’s Word. There is so much fantasy that we could easily escape to in different forms of entertainment, but none of that is real, and none of that has lasting value or can satisfy your soul.

To read and study God’s Word is to fulfill Ephesians chapter 6, which is putting on the full armor of God. I encourage you to read it and to take up the challenge. Fit your feet with the gospel of peace. Buckle up with truth, and take up the shield of faith. Wear righteousness right on the front of you, and take up your sword—the Word of God. Protect your thoughts and mind with the helmet of salvation. These things will equip you and protect you in all the ways you need, so that when tough times come, you don’t crumble under the burden. Anything else you seek to comfort you won’t do the job in the end, and when distractions don’t work anymore, you’ll discover that you have what you really need in the concrete word of God!