New Day Community Church

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We’ve Got Style—Community Group Style, That Is

Community groups at New Day are designed for you to successfully engage with your journey of becoming more and more Christlike. That process is called discipleship, and the self-evaluation aspect of our community group style helps to facilitate that end. You hold yourself accountable, being honest and open with a small group of fellow believers whose role is to support you in love along the way. 

You share with your group how your walk with God is going: This is what I’m reading... This is what I felt God said when I was journaling... This is what happened when I was talking to a friend about Jesus... When you bring your report, you are spurred on by the others as you run your spiritual race. We need encouragement from each other, prayer, and inspiration. 

“And let us run with PERSEVERANCE the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith...”  (Hebrews 12:1-2)       

Consequently, your engagement in your walk with God throughout the week is necessary. You will thrive in your group if you desire to grow and are putting in effort toward that end. Like the apostle Paul, our Christian goal is to run the race well and finish strong.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timonty 4:7-8)

Another primary goal of our community groups is to have a small group of people who really know you and whom you really know. In all churches, no matter how big or small, there will be people who attend, maybe even volunteering in some capacity, yet still have no one who really knows them. Entering into a small group format will provide opportunity for deeper knowing.

Community groups are a confidential place to share and develop friendships as we:

  1. Share a highlight from Sunday’s sermon. How did it impact or challenge you?

  2. Give opportunity for each group member to answer the question, “How is your S.O.U.L.?” Self-evaluating how your relationship is going with Scripture, Others, Upward (God), and Life helps track your spiritual state and growth. 

  3. Share prayer requests and pray together as a group to close the meeting.

While growth in discipleship can be achieved through other avenues, community groups are a primary format New Day provides to those committed to this body to develop spiritually.

Our community group style is not primarily about learning something new. You may learn from others as they share what God has been highlighting to them, but this is not an information-driven group like a Bible study. It’s a transformation-driven group where our time together is focused on how we are applying what we’ve learned throughout the week. The goal of this style of group is to achieve practical results. We share where we have struggled or experienced victory, and discover together how we can love and uphold one another as we live out our transformed life with Jesus.