New Day Community Church

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Grace is Opposed to Earning

Jesus teaches us that it is our heart and motivations which matter. For example, if I am faithful to my wife, but lust after another, then I am guilty. I think I can wrap my head around the idea of not doing a big bad thing, but still having a heart that makes me guilty. What I have a hard time with is seeing when I am “doing something good” but my heart is in the wrong place. This can become an “earning mindset.”  

We work hard to earn our paycheck. I use the term “earn” when I talk to my students about their grades. “Well done! You earned that A!” It is also something we are now hardwired to apply to all aspects of our life:  “I worked so hard this year; I’ve earned my vacation!”  “I've been eating so good lately; I’ve earned this dessert.”  “I’ve been practicing all summer; I earned my spot on the team.”  In our American culture, we learned that if we work hard, we can earn what we want in many aspects of life. It is no wonder that we have applied this to salvation and our walk with God as well.  While I know it is impossible, the reality is that I find myself regularly trying to earn my salvation.

Dallas Willard said, “Grace is not opposed to effort.  It is opposed to earning. Effort is action. Earning is attitude. You have never seen people more active than those who have been set on fire by the grace of God.”

Works are not wrong.  As with everything else, it is the heart behind it that matters.  You and I could be serving the church doing the exact same things. I might get bogged down in obligation and the need to earn my salvation or earn God’s love. This takes the joy away from my service and puts all the focus on what I am doing. For you, however, it could be life-giving and joyful because you are not trying to earn anything. Rather, you are just loving God and being secure in who you are in Him. Accepting God’s free gift that we cannot earn allows us to put love into action in a way we never would have been able to if we were trying to earn something.  

God, help us to stop trying to earn that which you are offering to us for free. Let us be motivated by love and devotion to You and to our neighbors. Break the earning mindset that has held us captive and kept us from receiving Your joy. Thank You for freedom. Thank You for redemption. Thank You for the free gift of Your love. Help us to walk in it daily as we love those around us. Thank You that You have paid the price and we have nothing we need to earn from You.