New Day Community Church

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Spiritual Tune-Up Time

I’m sitting in the car repair shop waiting for my car to get its 20,000-mile service. I have to admit that this car has received the most regular service of any of my cars, even though I’m pretty good about it. This car has a bothersome notification that comes up on my dashboard when service is needed.  It’s such a bothersome notification that I schedule an appointment as soon as it pops up. Another reason I’m diligent about regularly servicing my cars is because I didn’t know the importance of it with my first car.  I bought a metallic blue Chevy Chevelle when I was in high school.  It was used, but in great condition and had low mileage. I tricked it out, adding an amazing stereo, deep dish aluminum wheels, BF Goodrich Radial tires, air shocks, and fog lights.  It was a sweet ride.  

But after driving it for probably a year, I was getting gas and told the station attendant to check the oil.  Yes, it was a full service gas station; in fact, self service wasn’t even heard of back then.  The attendant checked my oil multiple times and brought over the oil dipstick and showed me that I didn’t have any oil in the engine. He was amazing and asked when the last time I checked it, or changed the oil, was, and I sheepishly said I hadn’t in a year. Thankfully he was able to add oil and the engine wasn’t hopelessly damaged, but from then on it burned oil.  Neglecting the regular service resulted in long-term damage, a reduced life for the engine, increased cost of repairs, and embarrassment for not knowing better. 

The Bible has notifications for us as well.  In Proverbs 4:23, it warns us to “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” In many ways our heart is the engine of our lives. It certainly is physically, but this verse is speaking about our “inner man, mind, will, heart, and understanding” (BDB Bible Dictionary).  We need regular maintenance on our hearts, and often we need repairs and upgrades. Too often we think our lives are driven by external forces outside of our control, but this verse tells us that what’s on the inside determines the course of our lives.

Jesus says the same thing in Matthew 12:35: “A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.” Our February teaching series will focus on developing a Healthy Heart. Let’s all consider this an opportunity to get a spiritual tune-up!