New Day Community Church

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Easter Awe

Many of us have heard the beautiful story of Easter year after year. God gifted his precious son to die in our place, be raised from the dead, and provide a way for us to have our sins forgiven and restore our relationship with Heavenly Father. It's absolutely wonderful! 

This year I'm pondering how wild this circumstance was and how it might have felt to experience it for the first time over 2,000 years ago. I was inspired to revisit a poem I wrote a few years back.

I invite you to reflect upon Easter with renewed awe along with me...

No one could have imagined it.
No one could have fathomed it.
No one could have dreamed up such a harsh, audacious plan.
How about the God Of Heaven come and die for man?
How shocking and unthinkable such an ask would be!
No human would have thought up such absurdity:
“King of Kings, please leave your throne, come live here as a man!
O, and live a sinless life, ‘cause we need a spotless lamb.
Then die the most agonizing, painful, bloody way,
With the weight of every sin upon you alone to pay.
After torture of the cross brings your life here to an end,
Confusion and deepest sorrow consuming every friend,
Being placed inside a tomb won't conclude your story,
God will resurrect you, alive again in glory!
Jesus, would you do that, pay the consequence for sin?
Then we could all be close to you, healed, forgiven.
Yes, that plan sounds great to me.
Are you up for it, God Almighty?”

“God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4:16)

You see, only God, who is love, could have dreamed up this harsh, audacious plan. It is laughable to think a human could have come up with this magnificent restoration/rescue mission. Love knew it was the only way that would work to rescue us. So Love dreamed it up and Love did it! That’s Easter! And my awe is renewed yet again.