New Day Community Church

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Fear Not

This phrase is mentioned 150 times in the Bible. Adding similar verses about encouragement brings the total up to 365. That’s one time for each day of the year. God is serious about being there for us. 

The first occurrence of “fear not” was in Gen 15:1. Abram’s nephew Lot had been captured when war broke out between several nations.  Abram hears about it and takes 318 warriors to rescue Lot. After the rescue, Abram is afraid of retaliation. The word of the LORD cames to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward."  The Lord is encouraging Abram to not be afraid. He will be Abram’s shield, his protection, and when Abram trusts in God, God will give him a prize: His presence! This is not just for Abram but for us as well. 

One of the most quoted verses of “fear not” is found in Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” God always wants us to turn to Him. Likewise, He knows our frail state. We often are afraid. In this verse, God is encouraging His people to trust in Him. He wants to be the one we look to, depend on, trust in. 

I have to confess, I love to be needed. When my kids call me and ask for advice or help, my heart is overflowing with love to answer their plea. And when they are in a crisis, I long to be there to comfort and care for them. How much more would our perfect Father want to comfort and care for us? 

We all experience fear at one time or another in our lives. But where do you turn when you are afraid? Are you allowing God to be your comfort? Do you know who can bring you peace that passes all understanding? 
You can start learning to receive His comfort and peace today. Read His word. Find and memorize the scriptures that help you draw close to Him. Then, the next time you are afraid or face a crisis, you will know how to access His love for you.