New Day Community Church

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Their Eyes Were Opened

“While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.” (Luke 24:15-16)

Resurrection Sunday: two disciples walk the road to Emmaus. Shocked by word of the empty tomb, confused by Jesus’ death on the cross, they walked, they talked, they tried to process…

A tidal wave of Jewish tradition, culture, and expectation painted a portrait of the role of the Messiah. The anointed one would come to conquer and kick out the Gentile oppressors, restoring what belonged to God’s people.

They had Scripture figured out. They were sure of it! When Jesus started preaching with the authority of God, healing the sick, freeing the demon-possessed, and raising the dead—his disciples started licking their chops. “It’s time! Jesus is going to conquer Rome. The promised land is going to be ours once again!”

But that didn’t happen. What they were left with was unmet expectations, disappointment, and disillusionment. He died, but in their words: “...we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel” (vs 21). What does Jesus say to them? “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe…” (vs 25)

He begins to reframe the Scriptures for them in light of God’s true intentions. He had a plan much greater than an earthly kingdom. He had more in store than ending Roman oppression. He had in mind an eternal kingdom that would forever end the oppression of sin and death.

As he spoke, their hearts began to burn within their chests. Same Scriptures—now reframed in the mind of Christ, not in the wisdom of man.

Then, even beyond the revelation of what the Scriptures said about him, he revealed HIMSELF to them in the breaking of bread. Away from all the noise of Jerusalem, on a quiet road, and ultimately, at the communion table: “...their eyes were opened, and they recognized him” (vs. 31).
What situations have you interpreted through the tidal wave of cultural vibes, influencer opinions, or even celebrity Christian leaders? Are your expectations of what Scripture says so rigid that you can’t see Jesus for who he really is? I recommend a walk away from the noise. Get away from it all and make space for him to speak to you. Break bread and commune with him. Who knows how he might open the Scriptures to you if you make yourself available? Who knows how he might reveal HIMSELF?