New Day Community Church

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How Beautiful Are the Feet…Continued

Isaiah 52:7 – “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!”

We just returned from doing ministry in the Appalachian mountains of Tennessee, so this scripture resonates with me. Our team spent three days going up mountains via switchback roads with beautiful scenic views. In stark contrast is the hopelessness of some of the people living in these mountains. The goal of our ministry was to bring the good news of the Gospel to those who would receive it. We met people who were shut-ins and lonely, kids who didn’t know who Jesus is nor what prayer is, and those in desperate situations that needed hope.

Isaiah was announcing to Israel that freedom from captivity was imminent. And the one that carried that good news was received with great joy. But much of scripture also contains a prophetic message for us today—the glorious message that we can bring HOPE to those who need it.

The Holy Spirit was with us in a powerful way and we boldly offered to pray with people. More times than not, the people we asked said yes. We saw salvations and hope restored. We experienced God’s love for all people regardless of their circumstances.

That boldness did not disappear when we drove back down the mountain to our home base. One evening, my vehicle stopped at the grocery store to pick up some supplies. While checking out, the cashier and I had a conversation. There was no one behind me waiting to check out so I asked the woman if she had a prayer request. She was taken aback and replied that I had caught her off guard. But I waited and then she asked for me to pray for her mother and I did. Then I bade her goodnight. As I was walking away, her manager came over to ask her what happened. We heard her exclaim, “She just prayed for my mom!” My heart leapt when I heard her joy.

We launched the trail project in May and with that came the call to reach our neighbors. Then we had the revival weekend, where we were encouraged to not be the 99% of church-attending Christians who don’t share their faith. Recently, New Day sent out 21 people to do exactly that in Tennessee: share the gospel with those who need it.

The Appalachian people are not the only ones who need to hear the good news. The people you meet every day need it too. I am looking for more opportunities, even in the grocery store, to share my faith and pray for people. What about you?

Paul says in Romans 10:15, “And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!’”