The Power of Truth

Two weeks ago during the sermon about the Parable of the Yeast I told a story about our dog - Moo Moo. This 8 year old coonhound-labrador mix is having a crisis of belief. 

We moved into our new home a year ago - a home with an amazing backyard. We immediately set up an underground dog fence system. The borders of this fence allow Moo Moo room to play in the grassy backyard and in a wooded area beyond that. In terms of suburban dog living - this is the cream of the crop. Our design and plan for his life is really good. 

The only problem for Moo Moo is that his belief system does not match up with reality. From the beginning he was convinced that the wooded area is outside his boundary. Then several weeks ago something changed. Now he believes something bad will happen if he goes out into the grass. So he stops at the edge of the brick patio and won’t go any further. Usually he just stays up on the deck looking down at the yard but not enjoying it. 

It is so sad that Moo Moo is not partaking of the good things we have given him. And all because of a belief system misalignment! But isn’t the same true with us humans?!? God has designed for us a way of living that is gracious, abundant, and meets our every need. But we so often don’t enjoy his goodness due to a misalignment of beliefs. We have believed a lie or failed to see the truth.

Jesus said if you hold to his teachings “ will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." [John 8:32]

My encouragement to you is to leverage the Kingdom Parables sermon series and Life Groups to take hold of the truth and experience the abundant life God designed for you. He wants you to enjoy the whole yard!

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