Where's Your Focus?

As we’re quickly approaching fall & have already begun the transition into school, work, and a new season in many senses of the word, I’ve found myself thinking of leadership. It’s easy to think of leadership as something just for folks taking charge of an organization, but truthfully it can be found in every aspect of life. From friend groups to families, or even simply how you go about personally leading your everyday life, all of us have some capacity as leaders.

Which raises the question: how do you lead well?

While I’m not going to pretend I’ve figured out the “Secret to Leadership” or that I have better information than the countless books & teachings widely available on the topic, I do want to share one lesson I’ve learned from my time in ministry that’s been impactful to me personally & informed how I lead, whatever the capacity.

Back in the fall of 2020, I had the incredible opportunity to be a leader at a ministry school in Toronto, Canada. I had a plethora of responsibilities, but boiled down, I was one of the on-the-floor leaders for activities regarding the teachings & ministry associated with the school plus I led a weekly small group of 5 students. Truly an amazing opportunity & one I’m grateful for!

However, with that being said, I also have to say it was some of the most challenging months of my life. You see, as I entered this position, I found myself unconsciously trying to operate from what I figured should be done, rather than leading from the overflow of my relationship with God. In other words, My ultimate focus was on my position, not on God, and as you could imagine, after a few months of this I was pretty burnt out.

One day, as I was preparing to lead a time of ministry for the students, I was at my wit’s end. In that moment, I stopped, took a breath, and asked God what I should do. His response was profound & didn’t only speak to my situation in the moment, but also the broader situation of my focus; “Lewis, focus on Me. You’ve placed being a leader above leading with Me. Turn it around.”

In 2 Corinthians 12, we see Paul in a similar situation. For him, he’s been struggling with what is referred to as a “thorn in his flesh,” and repeatedly He’s cried out to God to deliver him from it. But God doesn’t do that, instead, He speaks to Paul’s focus, repeatedly telling him “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Cor. 12:9 ESV)

In both my & Paul’s experience, God's solution is to look to Him in the midst of the struggle, rather than getting caught up in a situation with our own strength. Powerful.

After that day, I examined where in my life I had slipped my focus away from Him, and as I slowly restored my perspective, I cannot overstate how much changed. God met me in the areas in which I had once struggled, & in fact filled me up in situations that used to drain me.

So, as we head into this new season, consider where your focus lies. Are you leading with God as your focus, or do you need to readjust? He’d love to join you, but it’s up to you.