Thank You!

When you read this, the New Day team and I will be in Japan, celebrating the 30th anniversary of planting the church pastored by the Sagers. Whenever I travel to a foreign country, there are a few words I prioritize learning. Thank you is #1. In Japanese it is ありがとう Arigatō. In Russian it is Спасибо, Spasibo. Spanish is easy—Gracias. Saying “Thank you” is like magic. It changes the atmosphere and opens hearts.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the USA this week, we need to realize that gratitude is integral to being a Christ-follower. One of the verses that speaks to this is 1 Thess. 5:18: “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (NKJV). I prefer it in another translation, though: “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (NLT).

God doesn’t command us to be thankful “for” everything but rather “in” everything. This is a monumental difference. I am deeply grateful to be in Japan. I am thankful for modern transportation that enables me to travel around the world in one day. But I really do not like the experience of being in a tin can at 45,000 feet for 14 hours. Nevertheless, even on the airplane I can give thanks.

There are many circumstances in life that it would not be appropriate to give thanks for, but it is always appropriate in them to give thanks. I am never thankful for sickness or suffering in my life or the lives of others. But I can give thanks that I know my Father in heaven cares infinitely more than I do. And I can give thanks that there will be a day when “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever" (Rev. 21:4, NLT).

In any area or circumstance you are tempted to complain, translate it to thankfulness. Every complaint is an opportunity to step into supernatural gratitude. Find something in everything to give thanks, even if it is that eventually “This too shall pass.” Allow the knowledge of the goodness of God and His incredible generosity to change your spirit, your attitude, your emotions, your thoughts, from the negativity of a bad circumstance into the positivity of being a thankful son or daughter accepting a gift from your heavenly Father.

This pivot in perspective has the power to transform every minute of your life, the lives of those around you, and even our society. It is integral as ambassadors of Christ to communicate gratitude in every circumstance. Let’s begin today and never stop!