
business travel.jpg

What do you think when you see a guy like this walking through the airport? Nice suit! Maybe…but you also immediately realize this guy is only in town for a little while. He’s got some business to do, then he’s gone

Now check out the guy in this next picture...

He is moving in. He brought his wife, his dog, and all his possessions. He’s clearly going to spend the next couple days unpacking those boxes. Okay - let’s get real - he’s going to spend the next couple months unpacking those boxes. 


The point is this: there’s a real difference between a business trip and moving in.

In John 15, Jesus has a lot to say about “abiding”: 

  • Abide in me and you’ll... 

  • Those who don’t abide in me will... 

  • Abide in my love…

  • If you _______ you’ll abide in my love.

You get the idea. Jesus is really interested in this abiding thing. The word used in this passage is the same word used for living somewhere, staying with someone, or remaining in a place. Jesus wants you to move in. Move into Himself. Take up residence in His love.

It’s a lot easier to approach Jesus like a business trip. I have a few parts of my life packed in the carry-on and briefcase, and I’m going to see Jesus for a while. He has something for me to do this week, so here I go. That sort of thing. But after the trip is done, I’m heading back home to “normal life”. At home in normal life, I go to work, study for a degree, hang out with my friends, or have some hobbies…

Jesus is looking for something more personal, more expansive, more committed. I mean, think about it: my level of commitment to a three-day business trip vs. my commitment to the house I live in. I put my family in this house, my possessions are in here, and I committed to pay a mortgage every month to be here. I’m all in, and I’m not going anywhere. And at the end of every day, guess where I end up? Yep. Home. It’s where I abide.

Jesus invites us to abide in relationship with Him. To live in His love. Be honest with yourself and consider where you go to rest your head at the end of each day. Are you coming home to Him? Or have you made your home somewhere else?

The best place you could call home is in Jesus. He loves you. He gave His life for you.

“Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.” (John 15:9)