Kids Too

On the first Sunday of each month, we incorporate the kids into the main worship service for singing and communion. We promote freedom in the Holy Spirit as well as safety and order. This blog shares why and how we go about it.

While the kids experience God during class, it’s valuable for them to be part of how God moves in the corporate setting. The children are learning how to engage with the Holy Spirit while expressing their freedom in an orderly way, submitted to the Word of God. The dynamic is described in 1 Corinthians, where we are encouraged to “excel in gifts that build up the church” because “God is not a God of disorder but of peace” (1 Cor. 14:12, 33).

An example would be: listening and responding to the direction being given from the microphone. When kids take notice of the tone of the song, or of what’s being shared, they can learn to fit with what is going on, whether lively and loud or calm and reflective.

Have you noticed that children's worship often looks like playing? This truly blesses Jesus’ heart! While encouraging childlikeness, we teach the kids that they aren't having a private playdate separate from what's going on in the room. Kids learn how to appropriately be part of a group.

An aspect of orderliness in worshiping God has to do with movement and safety. Dancing, waving flags, and other exuberant expressions are things we encourage. However, if kids are moving in a way that could easily injure another person or themselves, we want to redirect that behavior. An example is running. It is simply too dangerous. Children are welcome to skip, hop, and do all sorts of creative movements, but running has to be off limits. I know from experience that running can lead to issues. My daughter fell while running at church and severely cut her lip on the edge of the lower stage. Nobody wants to take their child to the ER after church. We will gently remind a child if they forget that there is no running in the building before, during, or after service.

Please utilize the back of the sanctuary as a space for kids (and adults!) to move around. The Children’s Station has activities for kids to use at any time. Bear in mind that sounds from the back are easily heard throughout the whole room.

New Day is a family-friendly church, so we are not annoyed by kid noise. We expect it and view children as a blessing. If children make loud, ongoing noises, their caregiver may need to step out with them. The foyer and Mother’s Room each have a TV playing the service live for situations like this. The early years can be tough for parents. Hang in there, moms and dads! Spiritual formation occurs even at a young age, and the New Day family is here to support you!

Together we can flow in the Spirit while being grounded in the Word, so our free, yet orderly service is a blessing to the Lord and to the whole congregation – kids too!