“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

Jesus gave the charge to his disciples to GO, to share the gospel with people all over the world and then help train them up in the Lord. Beloved church, while we are all called to GO, I want to point out, your fulfillment of this call may be local. 

Yes, sometimes “going” may look like moving away to attend ministry school or to plant a church in another city. But if not, you must know it is no less valuable a call. There are plenty of people in our communities and neighborhoods who need us to go to them, love them, share the gospel with them, and disciple them right here. The Spirit of God is moving. You can be a part of bringing it to others, right now, in this season of life. Your two options aren’t “go and do cool stuff for God somewhere else” or “stay behind twiddling your thumbs”!

This weekend, New Day celebrates Pastors Jimmy and Chloe McKee being blessed and released to go to the east side of the state, to continue their obedience to the Great Commission call to GO. They have spent the last three years pastoring at New Day, and we have thoroughly enjoyed them. While we are excited for them, we are sad and will miss them dearly. 

Over the years, many from our New Day congregation have gone to other cities or states to follow God’s call on their life. Simultaneously, God has called many of you to stay to continue the ministry here while consistently adding more amazing people to our church family. We can plan on this dynamic continuing, as it is the way of the church. 

In the book of Acts, we see the dynamic of some going and some staying play out as Christians spread the gospel. The Apostle Paul would travel to a new city, share the gospel, then stay for a time to establish a church there. When he was called to move on, he would often bring someone with him, but the majority of the believers didn’t leave. They stayed to disciple people and spread the fame of Jesus in that place. They got to do cool stuff and see cool stuff happen right there.

Remember, if you aren’t called away to serve the Lord, your call is no less valuable. The important thing is that we all GO, whether locally or to a distant place, to further the kingdom of God on the earth, thus fulfilling the Great Commission. What does your obedience to this call look like? Ask the Lord to affirm what and where He’s called you to.