It's Safe to Ask

Why do we read the Bible? If God is loving, how can he send people to hell? What does God have against gay people? Are demons real? Does God rig the election? Are miracles the same as magic? How can Jesus be God? Is there such a thing as ethical cannibalism? 

If you ever have questions about what it means to follow Jesus, trust me. You’re in good company. Every Friday night, I host a discussion with the young adults where we wrestle with complicated questions like the ones I’ve listed above. (Yes, we discussed cannibalism. No, it’s not ethical.) The most important rule at our meetings is this: No topic is off-limits

James 1:5 states very clearly, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask.” God invites questions. He loves it when we want to know more; when we trust him enough to ask. I know many people who think God is bothered or threatened by tough questions. Some of us were told things like, “Don’t ask, just have faith!” by well-meaning pastors and parents. Maybe they were bothered or threatened by the questions, but God is not. He can handle your questions. In fact, it wouldn’t be discipleship without them (John 16:13 & 24).    

My favorite example of this is in Luke 1:26-35. Mary, whose faith is a template for all of Jesus’ followers, is told that she’s going to have a baby, even though she’s a virgin. She responds with the more-than-reasonable question, “But how?!” I would wonder the same thing if I were her. Mary is not told, “Don’t ask, just have faith!” Instead, the angel gives her an answer, saying, “Well, the Holy Spirit is going to overshadow you.” Whatever that means, I guess that answer was good enough for Mary. What’s good enough for me is to know that when I have reasonable questions about God’s bizarre plan to save the world (i.e., by being temporarily dead over a holiday weekend!?), it’s safe for me to ask

As we all prepare questions for the upcoming “Got Questions?” sermon series, keep in mind that no topic is off-limits. Since God welcomes tough questions, we do too! Bring them all. Whether you get the answer you expect, an answer that’s hard to swallow, or you end up with more questions, it’s always safe to ask.  

“Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding,  
Then you will...find the knowledge of God.  
For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding”  
(Proverbs 2:3-6)